January 22, 2025
The Tilton Historical Society met via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by John Ciriello at 6:00 pm.
The following members and Board members were present Tim Rose, Rob Clogston, Dan Jordan, Al Lockwood, John Basiliere, Sam Thibeault, Kara and Brendan Murphy, Patty Amora-Pender, Steve Sayewich , Kathy Yeo, Todd Piper, Kim Cilley, Chuck and Vicki Hussman, Kathy Yeo, Joh n Ciriello, Janice Bou dreau and William Hockensmith.
The minutes of the December 2024 Meeting Minutes were reviewed, and a motion was made to approve the minutes as read. It was seconded and unanimously approved.
John Ciriello introduced Stephen Sayewich a resident of the NH Veteran’s Home who recently joined the Historical Society. Stephen gave an exciting overview of his life and connections with the Town of Tilton.
Bylaw changes
- At the December 19th Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to make the following changes to our Bylaws to better fit our organization's needs. A 30-day notice was sent to our membership for today's meeting and vote.
1.) Eliminate the clause, "Paid public officials are not eligible for nomination to either the Board or Officer positions.” (Article V)
-We checked with DOJ Charitable Trusts and our clause is redundant because its intention is already addressed in our standard "Conflict of Interest" Article.
2.) Change the "3O" day notice to Membership for bylaw changes to "14" days. (Article
The Society loses efficiency by the extended membership notification time. The Board feels that 2 weeks is adequate time for notification of paid members for the upcoming scheduled meeting.
3.) Add sentence "Donated items must be accompanied by a fully completed Donation
4.) Also, to give the Secretary authority to "reorganize" the numbering order of the Bylaws at this particular change.
(The "Liability of Directors or Officers" article that was approved and added recently, should be inserted where it makes more sense within the body of the bylaws, not simply tacked onto the end. Therefore, it will change the numbering of the articles that follow
A reorganized and amended set of bylaws was sent out to the membership and Society's governing body and included in this email.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the bylaw changes, and it was unanimously approved.
John reported that there is a schedule of tours, and he gave the dates and discussed the topics of the events. All members are encouraged to participate and notify John if they would like to participate.
Feb 6(Mansion Tour for Tilton School kids)
Feb 10 (Vets Home - PowerPoint on the History of Soldiers Home)
Feb 14 (TS auditorium for Tilton School kids — PowerPoint on Hist of Soldiers Home) Feb 20 (TS kids - Downtown Tour)
Feb 27 (TS kids — Arch and Park Cemetery)
John discussed the donations that have recently been given to the Historical Society.
Bucksport Historical Society, ME — 5 Postcards
Larry Prentice - Dollar bill with 03276 zip code in the serial number.
Judy Tilton - 2 Arch Plates, House by Side of Road music sheet, 1927 Broadview Farm Calendar
Cathy & Orion Valley — Herrick's measuring glasses, almanacs, newspaper clippings, other paper articles.
Jim, Anne Harris — Arwood Button
Betty Schofield — Arch decanter, T/N stoneware commemorative pottery, books, and other paper memorabilia.
Paul and Alice Blaisedell - Alice's Grange Pins (2), 1950’s
Judy Bartlett Stewart offered us a chair that has been reupholstered and originally was in the Mansion.
Annual Report, Taxes
The 2024 Filing with the IRS and Secretary of State's Charitable Trust are complete and uploaded for viewing. Email John or Kathy for link to documents.
Past Perfect Update
The Past Perfect Update was postponed to the next meeting.
Kathy Yeo Presented the Treasurer's Report it was reviewed and a motion and seconded to approve the Treasurer's Report. The vote was unanimous to approve the Treasurer's Report.
Following the Monthly Meeting the Board met briefly to appoint Janice Leighton-Boudreau as Secretary to the Tilton Historical Society. A motion was made and seconded to approve the appointment. The motion passed. Janice Leighton-Boudreau accepted the position.
John asked the Board if there was an interest in having a potluck lunch in February. It was agreed to have a potluck meeting February 8, at 11:00am at the Historical Society Office.
Members were encouraged to email John to communicate what each member plans to bring to the meeting
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