Tilton Historical Society Minutes for Regular Meeting - Sept 11, 2024
Attendance: Kathy Yeo, Leslie Rose, Janice Boudreau, Roy Cilley, Tim Rose, Jon Scanlon, Kim Cilley, Dan Jordan, Bill Hockensmith, Chuck Hussman, Patty Amora-Pender, John Ciriello, Doris Nesbit. Via Zoom Todd Piper, Kevin Murphy, Rob Clogston
Meeting called to order
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
John has been in touch with other historical societies, and all begin their meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. All in attendance agreed that we should too. Everyone stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance. Before being seated, John asked for a moment of silence to show respect and honor those who lost their lives September 11, 2001.
August 14, 2024, Minutes Approval
There were several corrections to the August 14 meeting minutes. Corrections were made in italics and underlined, and the corrected minutes were sent to everyone. Minutes approved as corrected.
Purchase of 5 gallons of D/2 cleaner for gravestones
Jon Scanlon has been cleaning statues and gravestones in town. Cleaning the stones is important because it helps stop lichen roots growing into the stones and helps identify downed and broken stones. He further explained the importance of cleaning the stones properly - not using a pressure washer, stiff bristled brushes and harsh chemicals. His preferred method is to scrape off lichens and moss with a cedar shingle, spray the stone with D2 from Lime Works, scrub with a soft bristle brush, rinse, then respray with the D2. He said that once the stones are cleaned upkeep is as simple as spraying with the D2 and walking away! He always gets permission from the cemetery trustees to be sure to clean only stones with perpetual care. Jon further said that he is asking for both Tilton and Northfield to put in their warrant articles for the town meeting to purchase 5-gallon containers for the care of the cemeteries. Until that happens, he has asked the THS to purchase a 5-gallon container at a cost of approximately $250 -$260 including shipping. John C. asked for a motion to approve THS donating a 5-gallon container to Jon S. so he can continue this important project. John C. suggested a donation jar with before and after pictures of stone and statues cleaning at the History and Haunting Cemetery Tour. (Jon S. plans to clean 3 monuments at Park Cemetery before the tour -AH Tilton, Asa Cate and Lord Brothers stones.) Chuck made the motion to buy 5 gallons of D2 seconded by Dan. All in favor. Jon S. will buy the D2 and will submit a receipt for reimbursement with shipping charges included.
"History and Haunting Tour" at Park Cemetery
In 2023 discussion was initiated to talk about a walking tour of Park Cemetery in the fall or Halloween. Time ran out and the project was put on hold. A few weeks ago, John began working on a tour where the planning had left off last year. “The Grave Group”
Samuel, a young Charles Tilton and a young Mary Baker Eddy who attended school with Charles. Compass Classical has offered students the chance to play parts if needed. Also, along the way will be ghost stories featuring “ghosts” of Mary Osgood, George and Mary Lord, and Laura who haunts the 1875 Inn. Janice has done a lot of leg work and stated that she has contacted local historical societies and a couple of people - Evelyn Auger and Becky Guyer - about costumes and has received a very positive response! Doris suggested Janice contact Linda Salitello (I know I have destroyed the spelling of that name). The tour will be Oct 26 at 4:30 pm. Parking at the Eastern Star Lodge as well as the high school. Please consider volunteering. It should be a lot of fun!!
Tour for Veterans from NHVH
John has been working on a way to include Vets in THS activities. Since mobility is an issue, and the walking Cemetery tour has too many tripping hazards, other activities need to be explored. Possible activities could be a tour of Tilton Mansion, a tour of downtown or a trip to the Arch. Any and all suggestions appreciated.
Interview by 101.5 FM
While at the Belknap Marketplace John stopped at the 101.5 radio station for possible advertising for the History and Haunting Tour. The woman there said she could do advertising and one better - an interview about THS and the tour! John volunteered Al Lockwood for the job, and it turns out she and Al know each other! The interview will be conducted on October 23 and will air the same day.
Annual Insurance renewal and update on additional officer and volunteer Insurance (Worker's Comp)
$355 renewed and copy submitted to Tilton School per our contract. No change in cost from last year.
John spoke with Matt Steady at Gale Insurance and their quote for Workers Comp would be same as Foy’s (about $1,000). The Dept of Labor makes the final determination on whether someone is considered an “employee”. Since everyone is a volunteer and not paid should we pay the $1000 premium for insurance we won't/can't use. If we do get sued, they can only sue for what the Society owns, since we are incorporated. Everyone was in agreement to not purchase the Worker's Comp insurance.
Secretary position – Secretary Sam Thibault is off to college and doesn’t think there will be enough time in her schedule to join us at monthly meetings right now. Kathy Yeo has been filling in since May and is interested in accepting the position. There will be a Board Meeting immediately following the Regular Meeting to discuss and vote.
Fall cleanup at Park Cemetery
A lot of interest, from the public, in helping with a cemetery cleanup was generated after the spring cleanup. A small cleanup (We have permission from Trustees) will be done before the “History and Haunting” tour which will be primarily in the area done this past spring. A larger cleanup will be planned for some time in November after the leaves are off the trees. It will be easier to do the cleanup then before the rain and snowpacks making the leaves making them heavy, wet and difficult to move.
Walking Tour brochure
John contacted Kathi Mitchell who suggested joining forces to create a tour brochure together and she stated she was going to discuss it in more detail at the next ConComm meeting. The ConComm has a grant to cover the cost of the brochure. It will likely include recreational trails and historic buildings. We will wait to hear from Kathi after the ConComm monthly meeting
Paul Michael Avery -Fire whistle call chart
Ryan Dubia waxed Giles Dairy milk carton
Doris Nesbitt –Photos and negatives of the June 9, 1990, NH Veteran's Home Centennial Parade with parade route map and list of participants.
Chuck Hussman -Tilton Optic wooden glasses case
New Business
Jon S. has spoken with Ed Rocko, General Manager of The Preserve (the old Anchorage). He, Ed, is very interested in the cleaning up and upkeeping the Philbrick Cemetery located in front of The Preserve. Discussion included the possibility of researching the names of the interred then creating a plaque giving the history of the cemetery and those buried there.
Meeting adjourned 7:01PM
Board meeting to discuss vacant Secretary position.
Attendance: Leslie Rose, Roy Cilley, Tim Rose, Chuck Hussman, Patty Amora-Pender, John Ciriello. Via Zoom Todd Piper, Kevin Murphy, Rob Clogston
No discussion
Motion by Tim Rose to approve Kathy Yeo as Secretary. 2nd Leslie Rose
All in favor. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned 7:02PM
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